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5 reasons for living in a cottage

Do you dream of living in contact with nature? Know some of the reasons for buy a house in the country.

With the passing of the years, the life in the city has been becoming more and more chaotic. Large number of population, trade outpatient extended in all the districts and the increase of the fleet has made more people want to have a relaxing time away from the city, living in an atmosphere less polluted, and more beneficial to your health.

What inside your project life you have considered the purchase of a cottage? We are going to review some of the reasons which have led our customers to believe in our real estate projects ecological in search of a healthier life.

5 Advantages of living in the countryside

Reasons for living in a cottage, it is time to move it


The main reason to live in the country or in areas surrounded by green areas is the quality of the air in the environment. The large cities are surrounded by factories, a large amount of cars, etc, all of them causing emanate toxic gases in the air, being a cause of allergies and respiratory problems. 

Buy a house near field can be very beneficial for the health of all people, especially children. The pure air you can provide a feeling of lightness and you will be able to experience joy and the desire to become more in touch with nature. 


Start a new life in the field can also be a way to venture into new projects at work. All of this can depend on the place where you live. For example, if you want to do is to connect fully with the nature you can start in jobs related to agriculture, if your home is located in a city, but that has many green areas like fields and lakes, you can search for a job related to your field or expand your own business.


It is well known that the prices of the real estate or land in the most remote areas of the capital tend to be lower per square meter. Currently, the south of Lima, is becoming a great investment center for real estate companies looking to launch new projects for either housing field, beach houses or new residential areas.


One of the main features of the city is to be able to find a great amount of fast-food services, which, in some way, it facilitates the power in a short time but not in a healthy way.

 To be surrounded by many green areas, these spaces can become a great opportunity to build your own organic garden at home. This way you can obtain safe food totally healthy for your health.


If you are a person who has lived almost all his life in the city, start a new life near field can lead to a little bit of effort, and a time of adaptation. This is due to the large amount of stimuli that the city offers. However, little by little you will begin to see positive changes in your health.

Counting with large spaces, open fields surrounded by vegetation that will give you the freedom to enjoy more of the scenery and the nature of the earth. The levels of stress and anxiety are reduced. You can experience a better rest and enjoy more privacy.

If you want your family to enjoy the benefits of living surrounded by nature and experience a life-style, known here as our projects techno-ecological and an advisor of CIUDAPOLIS will be contacted as soon as possible.

Get to know more of Land for house of field techno-eco-friendly:

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