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What are real estate? How do they work in Peru?

When we talk about real estate, we mean the purchase of a property to begin a process of rent. If we want to invest in real estate, we seek that the property purchased, with the passage of the years, I managed to increase its monetary value so as to sell it or rent it at a higher price, in order to obtain higher profits.

In Peru, this type of investment called a lot of attention from entrepreneurs and investors who envision a future in the real estate sector in peru. The peculiarity of the real estate, as compared to other financial instruments, is that the real estate are tangible assets, and many see this alternative investment more secure and enduring, despite the fact that the financial markets are considered to be of lower liquidity.

How to invest in real estate in Peru?

There are different ways to invest in real estate in Peru, here's how:

Direct investment:

It is the most direct way of investing in real estate in Peru: purchasing a property in a certain area and then rent or sell them at a higher price.

• Are looking to buy properties with different qualities to the rest that give an added value to the real estate. This way, you could increase its value to the future and to provide that the rental price is cost-effective. It can be: a pent-house, an apartment with a sea view, a local business with good location in the city, etc

• Some disadvantages of direct investment in real estate in Peru are:

– A property that's worth according to their differential value has a high cost, so that the investor must have that amount of capital to be able to buy it.

– To invest in the real estate market, there are have a lot of experience and knowledge on the topic to know how to choose a good property.


This method is perfect if you don't have the capital necessary to invest in real estate directly, but yes to finance a real estate project. Crowdfunding is a financing community to a real estate project: each participant delivers an amount of capital for the project and in the future will be able to receive the profits that corresponds to your contribution and investment.

• This investment in real estate allows you to bind to citizens of different environments, but the guide to the same target in order to assist in the development of various real estate projects will be able to recover the capital invested along with the profit equivalent.

Investment funds real estate:

This type of investment real estate in Peru this is a bag of shared investment in which natural persons or legal entities, to invest their capital that will be part of a joint estate, which will finally be aimed at different real estate projects for rent.

The money she earns an investor in a fund of real estate investment has its origin in the earnings which are acquired through the lease of the property invested. This method achieves a higher pluralization of the portfolio of real estate investment for people who decide to invest and the achievement of a periodic income, a result of the rental of the property purchased or constructed.

Finally, if you want to enter the real estate market, but you can't participate in these three alternatives because you do not have enough capital to do so, another option is to participate in the construction of shopping malls, office buildings, departments, etc, in order to gain participation fees using certificates and become a lender of a portion of the revenue earned by the sale or rental of properties.

You already know how to invest in real estate in Peru in different ways, now analyze your financial situation and what method of investment is best suited to it. What are you waiting for?

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