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Real Estate Marketing Peru

We refer to marketing real estate as the group's business strategies and advertising focused on the promotion of real estate. The purpose of this is to meet the needs of the market and maintain the active state of the real estate sector by means of the channels of communication today.

Within the marketing plan real estate, you must specify the marketing strategies that the company is going to hire and detail to what objective in the short, medium or long term is going to guide this plan.

The real estate marketing works to serve two purposes: training on real property for sale or to rent it, and the training to potential customers looking to buy or rent a property. To do this, the real estate marketing should follow these steps:

  • Positioning of the construction companies to get recognition.
  • To position the company and sale of prospects to show the different real estate projects.
  • The process of selling or renting the properties.

Benefits of real estate marketing:

  • Save advertising costs

Long-term, you will see a savings in advertising costs due to good marketing strategy. Thanks to it, you will position yourself in the mind of the clients when they are looking for a real estate agency.

  • Stand out against the competition

Being the real estate sector, a traditional market and the very order, if you achieve a good marketing plan, you will be the best choice for the customers. Innovates with new things that will make you stand out and set yourself apart from the rest for you to take the customer to your agency.

  • Captive more exclusive

If you use a marketing strategy, the customer will be perceived as a company that invests in it, and its customers. So it will be more easy for your business to captivate the homes in exclusive.

  • Conquests best customers

You'll get clients that recognize the effort that you invest in a marketing plan to promote the sale of the real estate or to help you buy.

  • More referrals

There is No better client than the one that comes to you by a satisfied customer for your service. You'll be able to get that type of customer if you make a good strategy for real estate marketing.

What should you have in mind to do real estate marketing?

  • Analysis of the situation:

In the first place, it is important to make an analysis of the situation of the company to proceed with a marketing plan. It is important to observe the influence of internal and external factors.

The internal factors are directed to the same company, that is to say, the staff, the resources they have, etc., and external factors refer to the general situation (social, political, economic, etc), respect to the market and the real estate sector.

  • Definition of objectives:

Each company has different objectives they want to achieve. In this case, it is important to decide which element you want to work before designing a marketing strategy for it.

  • SWOT analysis:

Many know this box is formed by: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Serves rather to optimize your work that you use in your company.

The strengths and weaknesses reflect the internal aspects of the company and in which you can intervene directly. On the other hand, the opportunities and threats reflect the external aspects, which you can't intervene, but you can take advantage of it in a positive way.

  • Definition of budget:

Digital marketing costs more than what one believes. Not only do ads on Facebook, but it comes to the design, the management of contacts, optimizations, the creation of value content, branding, managing accounts, etc, For this reason, it is fundamental to define your budget to know which strategies you can do for your business.

  • Creation of a buyer persona:

This is to represent the profile of your potential customer, which is done with data from former and current clients. The details that you perform to define the characteristics, personality and preferences of your buyer persona should come with a foundation.

The buyer person helps to develop customized content for the profile of your customer, to properly focus your strategy, email marketing, and get to know your customers.

Strategies for real estate marketing:

To understand a little better what's involved in the real estate marketing, we will explain to you some strategies that you can include in your strategic plan:

1. Optimization of web site:

A website that is not in constant development does not call anyone's attention and makes you think about the company. Users form an opinion of your website in only 0.05 seconds. So, if you do not want to give a bad image of your company, invest in the digital experience.

To do this, a web site must have the following requirements:

  • To call the attention of the users
  • Have a search of information easy and convenient
  • Offer calls to action that guide the prospectus

As the website of your company says a lot about her, you should opt for a design that go along with the image that you want to give, and that represents the business values with which they identify. This way you can represent more clearly to your target audience due to that the users of the site are identified with what they see and with which they interact.

2. Development of content of value to the users:

The power of prospects is critical in the real estate marketing because it allows the leads to be convinced that your company is the best alternative in the market. However, it does not have to be insistent as to provide information of value can do to make a better decision.

For this, it is important to recognize your target audience because you'll be able to create a content marketing strategy more effective and oriented, which are people most likely to buy the property of your company.

A excellent idea would be to implement a blog on the website because it helps you position yourself as a leader in the real estate sector in the eyes of the users.

3. Visibility of clients testimonials:

Most people tend to trust the reviews that are found online or recommendations you can give a friend or family member. For this reason, to add to the testimonials of your customers on the website or on the social networks is a great contribution in the marketing plan real estate.

So, at the end of a transaction successfully and the client has lived a pleasant experience, take advantage of applying for your testimony. Today, people tend to look for reliable companies and show the opinion of the customers about your service will help for them to make final decisions.

4. Creation of free guides:

Any downloadable content is a good idea to call the attention of prospects and gather contact information to explain in detail about the real estate company. In this case, the ebooks or free guides offer more information to the users about topics that interest them.

5. Development videos:

The audiovisual content have become increasingly popular, with over 80% of the users that visit your website they will see a video and the other 20% just read the written information.

Therefore, to implement a strategy of videos to the plan of real estate marketing it is a good idea to call more users who may have an interest in knowing in detail about certain topics such as services that you offer or about the industry in general.

6. Production of the podcast in the real estate industry:

According to EncuestaPod, shows how, during the 2021 has been growing the podcast format and the way in which the pandemic was to reach 70% of the time listening to the users.

Incorporate a podcast about the industry, real estate can be a great idea to bring you closer to users that fit this format, instead of videos or written information.

This alternative allows you to expand a topic you want to share and show them to the users of the latest trends in real estate. Some ideas for the podcast would be to conduct interviews with important people from the industry, some tips how to homebuyers, etc

7. Strategic Plan in Google Ads:

Because there is a huge competition in the real estate market, betting on a strategic plan of pay per click in Google Ads can help you stand out from the rest and help you to position yourself among the top results of your search. How to participate in Google Ads?:

  • Campaigns by location: if you sell or rent properties in different locations, you can develop campaigns in each location featuring properties for sale.
  • Campaigns based on type of property: similarly, you can develop campaigns based on the type of property, for example: property with 2 bathrooms, with a terrace, 3 bedrooms, etc
  • Copy of the ad: make a copy for the ads is critical to capture the attention of the users.
  • Selection of keywords: select the key words to create a filter in the advertisement published and so will go to people who really are interested.

8. Virtual reality:

It is one of the latest trends within the real estate marketing. Incorporate it into your strategic marketing plan will help you to save time as it allows users to visualize the property as if they were inside of her. In this way, they could rule out more practiced those homes that don't convince to focus on the ones that interest them.

9. SEO:

SEO is known as a marketing strategy that seeks to position your website within the top search results. The goal of this is to keep your active website to attract more visitors and, therefore, more sales.

Not only can this strategy is designed for the real estate industry, but for any sector in general. However, there are some details that can help you to position yourself in the first results in the face of great portals real estate.

These strategies require: organizing a web site, create a solid foundation, spread your content on social media and increase the traffic to websites and to maintain the leadership to not lose position.

10. Development of the social networks:

It is the ideal platform to present the housing, the philosophy of the company, important content to the public, among others. Have the ability to segment the public; therefore, the strategies you want to implement tend to have much success. However, all campaigns are run, they should be careful and should provide valuable content, videos, testimonials, tips, etc

11. Email marketing real estate:

Email marketing real estate is a technique to communicate via e-mail. The purpose of creating this email is to provide information of a real estate agency to the receiver. To send the information it is recommended to have a real estate program, which has centralized data to help you to send custom messages.

Make an email marketing real estate is part of the advertising for the real estate, which have as advantages the following:

  • Has a return on investment high.
  • 74% of consumers prefer to receive information by e-mail.
  • The 51% of the professionals that perform email marketing campaigns real estate, it is considered as the best way to connect with customers.
  • For the 78% of users between 18 and 44 years, the e-mail address is your favorite tool.
  • Using the email marketing real estate, you get 3 times more customers by means of social networks in real estate.

Now, the benefits of email marketing for real estate is focused on:

  • It segments the database:

Because this tool allows you to create newsletters, you can make different versions according to the segments of the same database in real estate. So you'll be able to customize shipments depending on the budgets of your clients so that they receive information they can truly be interested in.

  • Retrieves customers with reminders:

Left in the past to send out mass emails to too many people; now, the way to regain contact with a customer is by sending them a reminder to those who are close to finalizing a lease.

  • You can customize:

Thanks to the customization tool contacts, you can make the recipients feel special. It is important to mention the name and surname at the time of go to them to make it more personal.

  • Reactions of the customers:

The real estate marketing digital has given us a great level of dispersion since we tend to lose interest more quickly. A great idea would be to insert a button with a call-to-action in your emails to direct the customer to your website and fill out a form.

  • Build trust:

The bond of trust that is strengthened between the sender and the receiver to help your real estate business to re-reference in the mind of the users so that when you search for a real estate agent think of you.

12. Portals real estate:

When we talk about real estate portals, refer to the web site that allows you to investigate and publish information on the sale and rental of any type of home whether it be houses, apartments, offices, apartments, commercial premises, among others.

To start search within real estate portals, it is best to define how the property you want to buy or rent. Some of the search filters you can use are:

  • Price
  • Property type
  • Location
  • Number of bedrooms
  • If you have a parking space

The most important advantages of search for a property through a real estate portal are:

  • More purchase options: allows you to see quickly the most amount of properties on the market.
  • Custom filters: as mentioned earlier, you can filter your search according to your needs.
  • You save time: you can see pictures and the description of the property, which makes it easier to select and discard options according to what you are looking for. So you just need to visit the properties that interest you.
  • You can compare alternatives: the majority of real estate portals give you the option to compare the different alternatives you have in mind to save you unnecessary meetings.

13. Plan referred:

A referral program is known as a marketing strategy that gives word-of-mouth to encourage customers to talk about your brand. It is a better alternative than writing a review online that allows you to share your brand experience with partners, friends and colleagues.

Your goal is to attract new leads to your business, but it is not any person; the time to ask your clients to think of someone who would be interested in your product or service, they will recommend leads that go according to your brand.

The value of a reference:

A customer to recommend your product or service is valuable because it does not cost you much to achieve it. The value of a reference depends on the types of business, but you could say that is the lifetime value of a typical customer along with the typical cost of customer acquisition, which can help you to get more customers after you.

It is important to have a good business strategy as it reveals 2 points:

  • That accounts with enough confidence in your services and your team to believe that a plan of referrals would be a good investment in your business.
  • You're aware that some customers may need support to do what we can for you, though we have a good service.

14. Billboards:

The billboards come to be one of the media with greater scope to the users without the need of internet. And it is that you have to have something very clear: to draw attention and sales in the real estate sector depends not only on the internet.

External advertising can have very good results if it is designed with creativity and originality. For the real estate industry, this type of advertising includes billboards, which are found on the streets or roads.

Definitely, the billboards are the middle offline with greater artistic potential that allows it to transmit messages shocking that they may remain in the minds of those who see it and read it.

Briefly, you mentioned 7 tricks for you to apply on the billboards advertising real estate and make a brand advertising to be ‘memorable’:

  1. Get to know your target audience: despite the fact that all the world can see your billboard, it does not mean that the message will reach the world. Fences for real estate to convey a message that reaches those who are in search of a house or an apartment or want to invest into the real estate sector.
  2. Create a work of art: the design of a poster advertising for selling a product of high cost, and social prestige in the real estate sector needs a good creative idea. For people who use the movement set on a billboard, you must have a design and a message that achieves capture your attention.
  3. Do not overdo it with the text: outdoor advertising for real estate that contain a lot of text can be overwhelming, primarily those that are to the foot of the work opportunities may be lost to attract potential customers. People don't read, just read out the information, and if you see something that catches his attention and won't make you lose a lot of time to read it, that's why the text should be kept to a minimum.
  4. Use colors and images that stand out: usually, the appropriate color for a billboard come to be the color that represents your business real estate. Regarding the logo, instead of using it on a poster real estate granda as a fence, you could choose to add a differential element of your business so that is orthogonal to the brand. Choose the color will depend on the public to go; if you want to sell a new property at presale, you will favor certain colors that can be associated with the place where is located the promotion.
  5. It should be informative: once you have managed to capture the attention of your audience, it is important to know where or when to go or how to contact. In addition, a resource that works is to focus the fence in the advantages of the product or service in real estate. Exploit the benefits of visual and attractive is important.
  6. Placed properly for the elements: there is usually no problem with the composition of elements in a billboard; however, something that always bothers me are the white spaces. There is No order to compose a fence, but the organization and the amount of information are the factors for its effectiveness.
  7. Must be visible: finally, we must choose the location where you get greater visibility. In the billboards, the location depends on the availability of the posters. Sometimes it is necessary to apply for a permit to use a fence that looks better on the sign.

15. Organization of Events and parties for clients:

A method to strengthen the bonds with your customers is through the organization of events or parties. You can instruct your guests that can come accompanied, and thus take advantage of the opportunity to reach more people. Since the marketing is based on communicating, the events allow you to connect with those interested in your project, real estate, and communicate your message.

There are some types of events that may help you to structure yours:

  • Conferences: these can be B2B or B2C, they usually have an itinerary full of interesting speakers, educational workshops and important work sessions in the network.
  • Trade shows: usually develop within a particular industry and allow companies to present their products or services. It is the perfect opportunity for you to complete sales qualified with a greater likelihood of becoming customers.
  • Seminars: they tend to be a more closed and intimate and are designed to train attendees. In a small group of attendees can engage in deeper discussions or exchange of knowledge.
  • Round tables: have an educational purpose, and can vary in the amount of people. They tend to be in a private environment for each attendee to be able to bring in the conversation. Attend high-level executives, so that allows for a networking more concentrated to the attendees.
  • Virtual events: these events are for those who do not have the resources to perform a live event of great magnitude, or for those companies who can't travel to an international conference. Allow everyone to participate and to be conformed by a group of assistants more globalized and diverse.
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