When we speak of the category of real estate is common to hear the name of great gurus that through conferences, sharing his expertise and techniques of success in real estate, mostly at the global level these mentors are men. But who says that women can't also be experts in real estate, have great techniques and knowledge to share. Jenny Barrier is a clear example of the fact that women have much to contribute in different areas, and especially in business, with his high level of discipline, organization and responsibility.
The success story of Jenny starts from his childhood, his family was called: “the black sheep”, always with disruptive ideas, full of creativity, energy, and desire to always do new things, was considered by his parents and family, a little girl, teenager and young man, very different from other similar ones. She tells us how it feels to be “the black sheep” was never something negative, on the contrary you know that that's why the day of today has become a benchmark of leadership and knowledge in the area of real estate.
Her parents are modest, your dad was devoted to the mechanics of airplanes and his mom was a secretary, being the eldest daughter in her family, Jenny, always felt implied the obligation to support their parents in the care of their younger siblings and it took real relevance when his fifteen years old, her mother migrated to Argentina to be able to financially support the success of your family from abroad. Jenny was filled with courage and began to mature at an early age with the goal of being in his family's support for his parents and especially his brothers.
The importance of professional studies and the university gained relevance in your life. He began his studies at the faculty of communications at the Universidad San Martín de Porres, following that creative vein that was to be “the black sheep” of the family. These plans do not work out as Jenny thought about it and ended up supporting courses in the career of business Administration from the University Garcilazo de la Vega, due to economic issues facing their family. This stage in his life he left a teaching unprecedented that today he preaches to his colleagues, “the time is worth more than money.” Jenny at age eighteen he had to leave his home and move to the side of the university to avoid long journeys to be transported and thus make better use of the time.