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Guide to buying a plot of land in Peru

What should I know before you buy a plot of land in Peru?

Thanks to the health crisis by Covid-19, we have been able to resize the importance of the space in square metres, of the amenities inside of our homes (swimming pool, gym, garden, etc) and the landscape around us. Because of this it is to buy land in Peru is a good option to build a house to your needs.

Buy a plot of land has a number of benefits, as the subsequent transformation in a business, a good return on investment or a home completely custom to your lifestyle.

But first, before you buy a land and build, it is important to take into account some details that will make this investment garantices positive results.

The location of the land:

In the first place, you need to define the purpose of the field: whether it will be a family home, a vacation home, a business, a hosting cheap, etc, In all cases the choice of an urbanized area, with access to major roads, hospitals, shops, educational centres, among others.

Although there are many areas that are in constant growth, to buy a plot of land is important to observe the surroundings to check if the location is tailored to the needs and the lifestyle you want to achieve. Equally, it is important to investigate the average value of the lots located in the area or terrain similar to to predict the future of the investment.

Land use and services:

In the second place, before you buy a plot of land, it is important to ensure that the soil of this permits the construction of a home or business. For this reason, it is important to know what your conditions, if you have the basic services enabled (drain, water, light, etc) and what are the characteristics of the soil and its potential risks.

The legal status of the land:

In the third place, you must check the registration of the land in the Public Record by using the web site ( of the National Superintendant of Public Registries (SUNARP). This step is very important for making the purchase of the land.

Verifying this data you'll be able to corroborate the formality of the venue, to ensure the identification of the owner of the land and the history of this: if you have debts, foreclosures, mortgage or is in dispute with the third party.

Funding possibilities:

There are cases where the grounds are accompanied by real estate that can provide a direct financing or of a bank-specific. This can make it easier to work in the credit assessment and could provide better options for a loan.

However, the most requested is applying for a mortgage credit. The features are according to the credit product you choose, as well as of the banking institution. Here you must consider some points such as interest rates, term, and credit history.

Materials of construction:

Once you've made the decision to buy a plot of land in the desired area, it is time to define how to build your home, you know the type of materials you use and whether it will be a conventional house, prefabricated or built with a 3D printer.

Do not forget that it is important to consider the environment, since if it is a land on the coast, you must prefer to a material such as concrete or cement is specialized, sealed anti salitre. So, your property will be able to last much, much more.

The documents you'll need to buy a plot of land:

Finally, you need to be attentive to the documentation to achieve buy the land you are looking for:

  • An original copy of the game on the registry of the land.
  • If the owner is a legal representative, you must submit a power of notaries that gives you the permission to carry out the steps of sale.
  • The land urban land and the summary sheet.
  • The contract of sale that details the characteristics of the terrain, as well as data of the new owner and the cost of the land.
  • Don't forget that, once you have purchased the land, you must register it in the SUNARP so your purchase is public.
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