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How that will impact the COVID 19 of the real estate sector?

Con una crisis aparecen nuevas oportunidades. Analizamos cómo podría impactar el coronavirus al sector inmobiliario. Son muchos los sectores económicos que se han visto afectados por la crisis del COVID-19 y el inmobiliario no es una excepción. A continuación, te presentamos algunos efectos y situaciones que se proyectan para la industria inmobiliaria con el pasar …

How that will impact the COVID 19 of the real estate sector? Read More »

The organic garden at home, a healthy choice for your family

Descubre los beneficios de contar con tu propio biohuerto en casa. En la actualidad, cada vez somos más conscientes de los productos alimenticios que ingerimos, y el consumo de alimentos saludables y libres de químicos ha aumentado. Sin embargo, muchas veces resultan tener un costo elevado. Es por eso que te presentamos una opción saludable, …

The organic garden at home, a healthy choice for your family Read More »

You know how it has affected the prices of real estate, this crisis generated by the COVID 19.

El coronavirus y la crisis económica que viene causando en el país y el mundo Es innegable que afectará los precios de los inmuebles, ya sea en la compra o alquiler de inmuebles, como lo son departamentos, casas, oficinas, locales y terrenos, cada uno en diferente medida. En entrevista para ://, Paola Galli Vicepresidenta de …

You know how it has affected the prices of real estate, this crisis generated by the COVID 19. Read More »

5 ideas to make money from home

The world as we know it will never be the same. This phrase is repeated and repeated daily, but beyond that scare us we should be thinking about finding ways to adapt.

Unfortunately, a lot of people have lost their jobs, others have been forced to work from home, but that we all come to realize, is that relying on a single source of income is not a smart decision

In Ciudapolis we are always looking to create opportunities, so, in the article today, we will give you 5 ways to generate money from home.

Offer your services in specialized pages:

It turns out to be one of the easiest ways to generate income from home. However, only will be beneficial for certain professions such as writers, editors, designers, writers, etc

There are some online platforms that allow you to find jobs that do not demand a lot of time. If you want to generate a large income, you should invest more time to go put together a portfolio of clients.

He teaches courses online:

If you consider yourself a specialist in a particular topic and you have the knowledge and experience needed, the creation of a course can become a great opportunity to generate a profit without much effort.

How do you do it? Simple. Choose the topic you want to talk about, find a location pleasant to record, turn on your camera, edit the video and ready. Now just need to find some specialized platform where you can sell the course.

This type of products will generate revenue with some initial effort and an investment in marketing. The advantage is that these platforms receive thousands of visitors on a daily basis, so that you have a great chance of generating revenue

Monetize websites:

It is the most common form that can be found today. Create a web page about a topic in general and associate it to an advertising system. This way you will not need to refer to any purchase page, only it will be enough for the visitors to give to click on the ads.

To generate income through this system will depend on three factors, the subject of the page, number of visits and the percentage of visits that click on the ads.

Negotiate with actions, criptomonedas, and Forex on-line:

One of the quickest ways in which you can obtain profits, however, it can also become a quick way to lose money if you do not have the necessary knowledge.

If you want to dabble in this type of business will require to have knowledge in economics and in the movement of financial systems. To do this you will need to take some courses or programs where you will learn how the market works.

At present, there are some platforms that allow you to practice before performing online operations. But before you perform operations, make sure you have obtained the knowledge necessary to avoid excessive losses.

Referral program:

It is well known that a key factor for the purchase of a product or service are the recommendations that you have about this; what benefits you generated, the quality, profitability, etc., which is referred to as word of mouth marketing.

Los programas de referidos como su nombre lo menciona consiste en referir clientes a una empresa, recomendando los productos para que los adquieran. Si la compra se realiza tú estarás ganando una comisión

Así de simple. Si este último te suena interesante, te invitamos a sumarte a nuestro programa de embajadores y trabajar desde casa con Ciudapolis la 1ra franquicia inmobiliaria peruana . Comunícate con nosotros en nuestras redes sociales, whatsapp o formulario de contacto, para enviarte las indicaciones y puedas generar así un nuevo ingreso en casa

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