Selector de Idioma


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Selector de Idioma


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Exponentially, and a time to this part, come to appear real estate proposals that are tagged as “excellent investment opportunities”.
These proposals, mostly focused on the sale of land within condos for house of field – especially in Huaral – not is another thing that the parcelling out of a lot of ground in a smaller area, usually around a pool and a few plants as “green areas”. To make attractive the proposal they deliver “Title, and independent”; however, what you'll have will be a fee for transfer of shares and rights of a small percentage of the land matrix.

We will not detail (in this article) what are the risks the purchase of a property by means of actions and rights. What we will tell is that there is a correct, formal, and sure to give you the legal backing to the purchase of your land for your desired country house: A real estate development that guarantees to get or keep Enabling Urban.

Now, if the right way to make a real estate development is managing the Enabling Urban why most of the proposals are not made under that scenario?
Simple: because to get the Enabling Urban demand much more time and money.

In Franchise Ciudapolis S. A. C. a developer of the Condominium The Region, we value the trust of our customers and, accordingly, we work in the correct way, and
transparent, because all of our real estate developments will enable

Technical exhibition of the proposal of the planning comprehensive

In November of 2023, The Region had the Technical Opinion Favorable to the dossier submitted in August of the same year, where we ask for the approval of the Planning of The whole Region. That is why, in December of last year, we conducted the Technical Exhibition of the same in the premises of the Municipality of Huaral.

This event is developed with very good results and to date, we are waiting for the formal resolution with the change of land use from rural to urban, which is the step prior to obtaining the Enablement of Urban in the coming months for the benefit of all owners.

Culmination of the porch entrance and guardhouse

The physical security cannot be less than the legal security, therefore, completed the construction of our porch entry, as well as the security booth.

Maintenance and expansion of fruit trees and green areas

We aim to maintain the highest possible number of fruit trees existing and plant new ones to go by renewing those who already completed their cycle of life. Thus, we initiated the planting of several fruit trees in various areas. Also, we installed sod in several sectors for the enjoyment of our owners and family.

The second delivery of lots

Last February 24 and 25, we physical mapping of terrain a second group of customers, owners in The Region.

Attendees and their guests were able to see the progress of work and spend a full Day with their future neighbors, in the midst of a pleasant atmosphere and a community even better. In the coming weeks, we will be convening a third group of owners.

We are grateful for the beautiful energy that we share these days.

In short, Condo Theme for house of field The Region, is a
very good investment alternative for consolidating multiple factors of success:

● Excellent location 15 minutes from the center of Huaral and very easy
access via paved road.

● Surrounded by natural landscapes and terrain with fertile land, with trees
fruit trees in production.

● Close to areas of excursion as a visit to the rio Chancay or trek to the hill.

● Lots of 300m2 which will be delivered properly independent.

● The development will be Enabling Urban.

● Recreation areas including a swimming pool, parks with campfires and grills, artificial lake, the area of sport and a club house theme with green roofs and medieval architecture.

We invite you to visit us and see for yourself all that The Region has to become your next favourite place.

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