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Virtual reality for real Estate: What is it? – Importance

The notion of virtual reality is not something new for all of us, however, this concept is linked to the world of real estate, or “real estate” can be that if we find something both interesting and novel. As we know the technology of virtual reality is characterized by showing us spaces that simulate reality as we see it, but in a digital version. What we know today as the digitization of the things arrived a while ago along with simulators and video games, which in the beginning looked something squared. At the outset, his ability to chart gave us a dive a bit slow at the moment of the interaction, the reason for which is relegated to the world of virtual only to certain fields. With this type of technology, it was possible to see replicas digitized pieces of engineering, prototypes of prosthesis in medical cases, topographic studies, interior design, realization of animated films, among other uses that you could give thanks to the graphics capability to provide us with images that replicated real-life objects despite the technological limitations of the time.

But the years have gone by, and with it the limitations of this type in virtual reality have passed into oblivion, in the present, the virtual world has given a take-off towards what today can be understood as the start of the metaverse. What in the past seemed to be something only done for video games, movies, or driving simulators, today becomes a crucial tool for various fields of life. Virtual reality is now a useful tool for sectors such as education, health, engineering, accident prevention, marketing, and this is only the beginning. The ability to be able to generate the feeling of being immersed in this world with images of a quality that reflects the reality to such a high level, makes the virtual reality stop feeling like a simulation and feel like the reality itself. Now with this change of paradigm is possible to be able to present three-dimensional models of real estate projects under construction or new concepts. Due to all of the above virtual reality becomes a powerful ally, with great benefits for the real estate.

Virtual reality for real Estate

The pandemic left us great lessons and provided us with new possibilities in the field of communications. The meetings in virtual platforms and sales through the internet won their space in the lives of people due to the quarantine, showing us that we can interact in a new way even without leaving home. While the real estate sector, he felt a refreno in numbers as nearly all of the global economy, the real estate was not overwhelming, and went out to the front with new forms of to be able to offer your products. The meetings between real estate brokers and potential customers changed their dynamic of the game, now the meetings were virtual, and where before there was a visit to a property or real estate project now had a visual support in the form of videos or photos.

The efforts to be able to make sales in the sector made the real estate to put your eyes to the past decade, a decade in which the lens of virtual reality began to gain popularity due to the advancement of this technology in comparison to its predecessors. This advance in the technology 3D-did your glasses of virtual reality like Oculus, whose prototype would be the market in the year 2012 as to call the attention of Mark Zukemberg; two years later, in 2014, Oculus would be bought by nearly two billion dollars through his company, Facebook, today called the Goal. The difference in his or her capacity to surround and volumetric 3D part of the new generation of lenses virtual reality in the past decade were a tool that started to be used in the real estate sector in a progressive manner during those years. But the pandemic did you look for in this technology a window of opportunity to be able to return to the arena and have an experience less flat at the time of teaching the new real estate projects.

Virtual reality is here to stay, and give us the solution to the problem of the distance, the interaction, now the demonstrations and meetings would be a more interactive and immersive, without a doubt, was what the industry needed.

Know the Importance and Benefits of using Virtual Reality in real Estate

The reality, as today we live in comparison to all of the above to the pandemic has changed. The manner in which the people we relate to each other has suffered a modification in the use of virtual media and that is something that came to stay. In the case of real estate the use of new technologies such as virtual reality has generated a huge benefit because it allows for shorter distances, save time and generate interactions more eye-catching. Here are some of the benefits most important of the use of virtual reality in real estate:

  • Shortens distances: A great advantage is the flexibility that you may provide potential buyers the fact of being able to make the visit to the project if you need to move. It does not matter if the person is close to the project, or to thousands of kilometres, the first look at a project it can be done through a virtual visit.
  • It allows the saving of time: To spare you the trip to the potential customers is a great gesture on the part of a real estate company, and is a gesture that is very well appreciated. The fact of being able to take a guided tour without the need to move is a great advantage that allows you to reach a number of public and improve sales.
  • Generates a new type of experience: Experience within a virtual space leads to the potential buyers to have a royal visit on your future property. This is because the projects that have a virtual version allow you to travel back in time to the buyers and make them live the experience of being in your new property. This pleasant experience to improve the closures of sale, and becomes an ally to those involved in the real estate sector.
  • It is a great ally of the Crowdfunding real Estate: The possibility of creating virtual spaces envelopes with ability to be visited by potential customers or investors, allows you to create projects a virtual prior to the creation of projects in the real estate. This is a powerful tool to be able to get funding, and customers.
  • An entry into the Metaverse real estate: While the creation of spaces isolated to be able to do tours in the projects is a step to virtual reality and 360-degree experience for the visitors, it is also a step into the metaverse real estate, the creation of virtual spaces to be sold is the next step in the sales of real estate.

Virtual reality Applied in real Estate.  

By everything we've seen we can say that the virtual reality is a great ally for the real estate sector. Developers are already starting to create virtual spaces of better quality that will provide a pleasant experience surround. The implementation of sales teams more dynamic is another big step in the industry. Advisors and brokers no longer visit potential customers with a great portfolio full of images. Now that you are starting to see is to corridors leading virtual lenses or tablets to their visits to the interested party can live the experience of 360°; this is where the person wants to visit face-to-face, as what has also been increasing are the dating virtual. In other cases we can already see real estate that begin to change their style, not just with the technical specifications, descriptions and photos. All this begins to be replaced by versions virtual future projects with a review leaner that invites interested parties to enter the virtual dimension.

Another great ally of virtual reality and this leap in the way they interact for part of the real estate, is the augmented reality. While virtual reality takes us into a world of immersive, augmented reality allows you to overlay virtual elements in the real world through electronic devices, such as tablets or mobile phones. You can see a virtual version of something less immersive but just as disruptive is an invitation to be able to see the virtual version of a project. QR codes outside of the construction of real estate projects is something that will begin to be as common as they once were signs giant images of such a project. Without a doubt, virtual reality has taken great strides and has been found in the real estate industry is a possibility to demonstrate its great potential and practical utility. For its part, the real estate, he found the opportunity to continue to grow in the virtual reality.

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