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Crowdfunding real Estate in Peru | Invest with CIUDAPOLIS

The crowdfunding he came to the real estate sector to give us a solution to our projects or a new possibility of investing in a sector that is always in a profitable very attractive. But... what is the crowdfunding? And how could you link this concept with the sector of the real estate projects?

Let's start with defining what it means to the happy ending in English “crowdfunding”. The translation most widely accepted of this term from the language of the anglo defines the crowdfunding as a “fund of funds”. And what we would be looking for funds? Obviously to be able to develop a business idea or a project. Then this collection is a tool for project developers, who seek to gather that “seed capital” that both seek. On the other hand, allows people with capital to invest in exchange for economic benefits derived from the development of the project. This type of benefits, although there may be economic may also be discounts on products or services produced to meet the necessary background to be able to give life to the idea of business. Then the crowdfunding it is a “Win Win” based on the collective management and is something of which we have knowledge to be able to see new investment opportunities if our thing is to put our money to work, or is a good way to be able to develop a project of their own despite the fact that initially we do not have the necessary funds.

While the crowdfunding as the activity is quite ancient, this type of financing takes strength at the beginning of this millennium and is evolving to become what we know today. This is due to the advancement of the internet and the globalization that also extends to the investment markets. With the arrival of the new century will begin to appear web sites devoted specifically to the crowdfunding. A clear example of this type of sites is ArtistShare, a web site launched in the year 2001 to be able to fund the recording of albums of new musicians. This web site is known for being the first web site dedicated to the crowdfunding as we know it today. In addition, if we make a little history of financings in exchange for benefits of projects, we can go back to the Italian Renaissance. In this period of history the patron was financed by the artists or inventors to change to benefit from the projects of these geniuses. Yes, Mozart, Da Vinci, among others were benefited by a type of Crowdfunding archaic. Already coming in a little more present in the decade of the fifties were developed in the famous Clubs of Investment” in the united States. These clubs allow their members could develop projects based on collective financing with their own capital, they would not have been able to.

Now that we have already made a brief tour to the crowdfunding and its history, it is necessary to speak of the crowdfunding real estate. The crowdfunding real estate it is a type of joint financing that has gained a lot of popularity due to its easy access and the flexibility of investments. The crowdfunding real estate provides for the possibility of invest in different types of real estate projects such as remodeling, reconstruction, construction of residential buildings, clubs, country houses, among others. This allows developers to be able to obtain the funds necessary for the execution of projects. In the case of the investors its advantages are visibly attractive. Starting with the above-mentioned accessibility, in the case of the crowdfunding real estate the income of the individual investors do not generate large capital outlays and allow to diversify into the real estate world without running into the wall of the large investments. The flexibility, which allows you to have a broad portfolio of investment is another of the advantages of this type of investment. This flexibility of the crowdfunding real estate you can take part in different types of projects with different sizes that can be adjusted to the needs of the investor. In addition, this type of flexibility allows the investors to have the possibility of invest in projects within the entire national territory, or even if they wished, in any part of the world. Another of the advantages of the crowdfunding real estate part of the same platform. On the platforms provided the information in a transparent way, which allows investors to carry out their work in an informed way. In the crowdfunding platforms we usually find the details of the project, location, team, business plan and the level of risk of the project. No detail escapes to be able to have the clear picture before you make the investment, in addition to be projects that are mostly short-term, performance of the investment ends up being higher in relation to time-benefit.

But... How does this system works? The crowdfunding real estate usually with the participation of three main actors. The investor, who is the person that seeks to generate a return on an investment. The creator or developer of the project that is the one who will use the money raised to give life to the idea of business and generate profitability. And finally, the platform crowdfunding, which is the intermediary between the developer and the investor. This platform of technological support for the project visibility, transparency, and the raising of the necessary funds through a web site. Once the developer puts in to showcase your project in the platform crowdfunding real estateyou must wait to be able to reach your fundraising goal. It is here where the investors to make the project reaches its fundraising goal. This is the core schema of the crowdfunding real estate. Once the project developer gets the money to start investing, it begins the process of reception of updates on the part of investors. The developers sent updated information on the progress of the project. In these updates, you must report any change in the real estate market, the profitability of the project and the expenses incurred in its progress. When a project has been completed the process begins with the sale or rental of real estate. Then begins the process of the return of capital to investors. The way in which to return the investment is varied but the most common tend to be the return of a percentage of the profit in proportion to the individual's investment. That is to say, a percentage of the total profit and intended for investors and that percentage will be divided proportionately to the different contributions made by each investor.

While the crowdfunding real estate it is a great investment optionwe have to keep in consideration that; like any investment, has risks. One of the main risks at the time of a investor crowdfunding real estate it is not having the expected return, or simply not having a return on investment due to political issues or social or economic situation of the country in which they will develop the project. This type of risk exists in all kinds of investment and is always present, but in the case of the crowdfunding real estate this risk is reduced. And is reduced due to the amount of information that gives us the platform of investment crowdfunding.  The delay in order to reach the amount required for the initiation of the project is also a risk. Not have the necessary liquidity, the developer of the real estate project can not log your activity and the return on investment can dilate. The possibility that the real estate developer does not comply with commitment is also a risk, but this risk is reduced in the prior research that should make any investor ever. It is important that in any investment is necessary to perform an investigation of the parties, their background and their level of reliability. Other risks resulting from the evil actions of the developer of the project may be the fact that they pay a very high price to the property, or lack of transparency at the time of using the funds of the crowdfunding. It is for this reason that before the opportunity to invest in a crowdfunding real estate we visualize these are our investment objectives. In summary, in order to carry out an investment in a crowdfunding real estate with no issues we should make a proper study of the project with the information you provide to us the crowdfunding platformsee what is the horizon of return on investment, review the background of the promoters or developers of projects and search for projects in a platform of investment crowdfunding reliable.

For all of the above it is clear that the crowdfunding real estate it is an excellent alternative investment and financing. The advantages such as easy access, flexibility, transparency, the possibility of having all kind of projects, the possibility of investing in any part of the world, make the crowdfunding real estate is the investment opportunity you were looking for start your journey in the real estate and the real estate sector safely. Don't wait any longer and invest in crowdfunding real estatedon't let this opportunity pass.

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